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Managing Documents with PTSD: Simple Strategies for Stress Relief


Dec 13, 2024

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Managing Documents with PTSD: Simple Strategies for Stress Relief


Dec 13, 2024

Trustworthy safeguards your family’s important information in one place, ensuring you’re prepared for anything that may come your way. Watch and learn how it can work for you.

Managing Documents with PTSD: Simple Strategies for Stress Relief


Dec 13, 2024

Trustworthy safeguards your family’s important information in one place, ensuring you’re prepared for anything that may come your way. Watch and learn how it can work for you.

bearded man sitting on the sofa deep in thought

Managing Documents with PTSD: Simple Strategies for Stress Relief


Dec 13, 2024

Trustworthy safeguards your family’s important information in one place, ensuring you’re prepared for anything that may come your way. Watch and learn how it can work for you.

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Organize all of life’s details, quickly and effortlessly

Trustworthy safeguards your family’s important information in one place, ensuring you’re prepared for anything that may come your way.

Organize all of life’s details, quickly and effortlessly

Trustworthy safeguards your family’s important information in one place, ensuring you’re prepared for anything that may come your way.

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a mental health condition that can significantly disrupt daily life. Even routine tasks like managing documents may become overwhelming, as PTSD can impair cognitive functions, making organization challenging.

This guide provides practical strategies to reduce stress while managing documents effectively.

Key Takeaways 

  • PTSD and document management: PTSD can affect focus and memory, complicating the process of organizing important documents.

  • Coping strategies: Simplify tasks by breaking them into smaller, manageable steps to reduce stress.

  • Build sustainable habits: Set realistic goals and celebrate small wins to maintain long-term progress.

Understanding the Impact of PTSD on Organization

PTSD is a complex and often-debilitating condition that affects people physically and emotionally. The National Center for PTSD, estimates that 6% of Americans will have PTSD at some point in their lives. 

PTSD has a significant impact on cognitive functions like memory, decision-making, and concentration. All three qualities are needed for managing documents. Without them, the process can be overwhelming. 

How PTSD Affects Memory and Focus

James Lloyd, a psychotherapist at Ceangail Psychotherapy in County Cork, Ireland, explains:

“PTSD often impacts the brain’s ability to process and organize information effectively. Hyperarousal and intrusive thoughts can disrupt focus, making it challenging to stay present.

"Memory may be affected in two ways: difficulties recalling specific events (due to avoidance or dissociation) and experiencing intrusive memories that feel vivid and out of context. Executive functions — like planning, prioritizing, and decision-making — are often impaired because the brain is preoccupied with managing trauma-related stress.” 

Some of the symptoms of PTSD include intrusive thoughts and heightened anxiety. When struggling with these thoughts paired with anxiety, it interferes with the ability to focus. 

Having trouble remembering things is another common symptom of PTSD that makes carrying out tasks like managing documents extra stressful. 

When we make memories, our brain encodes, stores, and retrieves this information in different regions and neural pathways. PTSD disrupts this process by affecting the regions of the brain where memories are stored, and stress hormones released during traumatic episodes can interfere with the creation of new memories. 

This is all going on inside your head while trying to complete daily tasks, so it’s no wonder that something as simple as managing documents can be stressful.  

Common Challenges Faced by People With PTSD 

Suzanne Teare, a licensed clinical social worker and owner at Within Therapy Solutions in Fair Oaks, California, says:

“When it comes to managing documents, individuals with PTSD might face several challenges, including forgetting important dates or misplacing documents, feeling overwhelmed by paperwork (especially if tasks require detailed attention or multiple steps), and avoiding managing documents altogether (particularly if the documents are related to the trauma in some way).”

Emotional triggers also play a large role in document management. Certain documents like medical records or legal forms can evoke unwanted memories from a traumatic event. Knowing how to recognize these triggers is the first step you can take to manage your documents.       

Simple Steps to Start Organizing Your Documents

Unhappy woman having depressive mood

Taking the first step toward organization can feel intimidating and daunting, but there are some simple steps you can take to make the whole process more approachable and achievable. 

Breaking Tasks Into Manageable Steps

Diving headfirst into organizing can quickly become overwhelming and lead to frustration. Start small and focus on one area at a time, like sorting medical or financial documents. Spread the task over multiple days—work on financial documents one day and tackle medical records the next.

Prioritize Which Documents to Organize First

Take the time to come up with a plan. That way, you’re less likely to get distracted or feel overwhelmed. Prioritize which documents to organize first. A good idea is to start with documents with upcoming deadlines, like bills or appointments. 

Setting Realistic Goals and Timelines

Set realistic goals and timelines for organizing your documents. Completing one task will motivate you to tackle the next. Start small, like organizing one folder or dedicating 10 minutes daily — it adds up over time.

You can also use a document management platform like Trustworthy to help you achieve your goals. With Trustworthy’s Family Operating System®, you can store and manage your documents and sort them according to type. Trustworthy’s extension connects to your inbox for seamless document uploading, saving you time when scanning multiple documents.     

Creating a Stress-Free Document Management System

woman using laptop

A streamlined and organized document management system helps remove some of the stress.

Decluttering and Identifying Essential vs. Non-Essential Documents

Research shows living or working in an uncluttered and neat area can lower stress. Throw out outdated or duplicated documents. Sort whatever is left into categories so they’re easy to find. You can break down the categories into personal, medical, and financial.

Setting Up an Organized Filing System

Next, you must set up an organized filing system that works for you. Physical systems include using labeled boxes, folders, fireproof safes, and binders. 

Scan your documents to cloud platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Trustworthy, or use secure external hard drives. You can use Dropbox or Google Drive for general, non-sensitive storage, such as photos, but use Trustworthy for sensitive documents like family IDs and estate plans. Trustworthy offers superior security for added peace of mind.

Tools to Use 

Simplify document management with tools like labeled folders, phone scanners, and apps like Trustworthy. Trustworthy’s AI-powered Autopilot offers features like document analysis, filing recommendations, ready-made categories, and easy-to-search document summaries to make organization effortless.

Leveraging Technology for Easier Organization

Technology simplifies document management. Apps like Trustworthy handle storage and organization in one place. Use its mobile scanner to upload documents effortlessly, while predefined categories, filing recommendations, auto-filing, and document insights reduce manual effort.

Be sure to regularly back up your stored documents and use a platform with advanced security measures like Trustworthy, which uses 256-bit AES encryption, two-factor authentication, facial recognition, and biometric authentication to keep your information safe. 

Never miss deadlines again by using Trustworthy’s reminder tools to remember to pay bills or complete tasks like submitting documents, filing taxes, and renewing passports.     

How to Stay Consistent Without Overwhelming Yourself

The key to a stress-free organization system is staying consistent without overwhelming yourself and making it feel like a burden. Here are some practical steps for long-term sustainability with minimal pressure. 

Establish a Routine

Start by scheduling weekly or monthly check-ins to file new and updated documents or review older documents. These scheduled check-ins don’t have to be long. You can set them for 20 minutes per session to prevent feeling overwhelmed. You can do this once a month or even once a week, depending on how it makes you feel. 

Build Sustainable Habits  

Start building habits by filing documents in their designated area as soon as you receive them. 

If you can’t immediately sort documents, avoid paper piles from growing, as this can quickly become overwhelming. Use a digital platform like Trustworthy to store and organize your documents in addition to having paper copies. Remember, the purpose is not about perfectionism but progress. Think function over flawlessness.    

When to Ask for Help

There may be times when document management feels like too much to handle alone, causing additional feelings of stress.

Here are some signs it’s time to seek assistance: 

  • You constantly feel overwhelmed

  • You avoid managing documents because of stress, fear, or anxiety

  • You can’t locate crucial documents during emergencies 

People who can help you: 

  • Friends and family: Reach out to trusted people for practical or moral support

  • Professional organizers: These professionals are experts in creating stress–free document management systems and can provide helpful tips

  • PTSD coaches: These coaches are specifically trained to guide PTSD sufferers without triggering additional stress during the sessions and provide actionable tips 

Trustworthy makes organizing easier by connecting you with Trustworthy Certified Experts™, such as professional organizers who can assist with creating an organized document management system.

Coping Mechanisms for Stress Management

Female psychologist put hands on the shoulder for cheer up to mental depress man

Incorporating coping mechanisms into document organization can make this process more tolerable.

Incorporate mindfulness and relaxation techniques. 

  • Practice deep breathing from your diaphragm before, during, or after completing an organization task.

  • Play calming music or nature sounds to create a soothing environment 

Create a Calming Workspace

  • Choose a quiet and comfortable place to work with no distractions

  • Personalize the space with things that make you feel relaxed and safe. 

Remember to take the time to celebrate the small wins, as positive reinforcement can build a positive association with document management. Physical clutter can be an emotional trigger, so use Trustworthy to store your documents and use the filing recommendations to categorize your documents without hassle.      

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a common mistake people make when trying to manage documents with PTSD, and how can it be avoided?

One common mistake people make is doing too much too soon and all at once. This leads to fatigue and burnout, which makes you less likely to finish the task. Instead, stick to a routine of short, frequent sessions.  

How do I handle documents related to traumatic events that I need to keep?

Keep triggering documents in a separate folder or online category so that they are out of sight but still easily accessible. Seek assistance from a PTSD coach to assist with this. 

How can I involve my family in document organization without feeling like I’m burdening them?

Remember, there is no shame in asking for help. Involve family members by assigning simple tasks like scanning documents or labeling folders.  

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